Showing posts with label TOP 10 MALLS UAE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TOP 10 MALLS UAE. Show all posts

Sunday 11 December 2016


If you are on a shopping spree and hunting for unheard of pastures then Dubai is the perfect spot as it never seizes to surprise. Shopping arenas almost double the size of soccer fields are erected to fulfill the never ending appetite of shopping lovers. Dubai has numerous shopping malls that possess the uncanny ability to stun onlookers with mere their vastness and exuberance. Dubai is home to one of the most expensive and largest shopping mega structure on earth; Dubai Mall, this particular shopping arena took two years to complete and now is a home to more than 14,000 shops, you simply name the brand and there it is right in front of you in Dubai Mall.
Malls in Dubai are much more than shopping centers; they are massive entertainment units containing something for all taste buds. There are underwater monstrous aquariums, so you can shop in the company of sharks and giant jelly fish, there are skiing resorts right in the heart of deserts and lastly when you feel like you’ve seen it all, Dubai Shopping Malls mesmerize you with their exotic and rustic cafes and restaurant

Tuesday 22 November 2016


Firstly 3 days weekend was a reason of fun for UAE citizens, now there is a cherry on the cake as shoppers in Dubai will be able to snap up items at bargain prices over the three-day weekend taking place over this year’s National Day holiday. We will see malls and retail outlets give shoppers discounts of between 30 – 90 per cent, according to the government of Dubai Tourism on the National Day Sale, from December 1 to 3.
Who doesn’t like shopping for big brands under discounted price on holidays, where the holidays are even paid. Whether you’re in one of UAE’s malls or browsing through its many traditional markets, you’ll find yourself affected by the shopping fever. As UAE is termed as one of the best place for shopping therefore what else could be the best days other than this.